Are you sure weight training is right for me?

We believe every person can benefit from some form of strength training, and there a a variety of styles out there.

But I don’t want to get too bulky…

If muscles came easy, everybody would have them. To become “bulk"y” involves a very specific type of training and diet.

How often should I train?

You will get a great benefit out of 2-3 times a week, but even one is a good check point to keep you on track.

But my knees hurt!

That’s either from lack of muscular strength, being overweight, or a muscular imbalance. Either way, we can help.

But my back hurts!

Unless you have a very serious injury, that can be corrected with exercise and core stability. Inactivity is rarely the answer

What supplements should I have?

Everybody is different, and some people need more than others. After getting to know you, we can get the right recommendations.

What do I do when I’m not training?

If you are training 2-3 times a week, the only gaps you may have to fill are cardio, corrective exercise, or maybe 1-2 other workouts. We’l definitely make sure you have a plan for success.